
Killer Bee Invasion is a satirical series written by David A Banks and Britney Summit-Gil that explores the way news media outlets cover major events.


August 20th

12:04 PM

Last Update: 12:17 PM 

Breaking: Giant Bees Pouring Out Of Hole In Sky

An apparent rift in the atmosphere has allowed a small swarm of massive killer bees to enter the sky above Poughkeepsie, New York. While the cause of the rift and its exact scientific nature remain unknown, eye-witness reports verified by Poughkeepsie Journal indicate that it has provided an entryway for no less than 50 enormous bee-like creatures. Initial reports estimate the death toll at four.

The bee-laden rift occurred almost simultaneously with the beginning of Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th president of the United States.

This story will be updated as it develops.

Update: 12:12 PM

Locals have reported that the infiltrating bees are approximately ten to twelve feet in height, including black, shining stingers around two feet long.

Patricia Long, 42, told Poughkeepsie Journal that she initially heard a loud humming sound like a low-flying plane overhead.

“I looked out of my window and saw… I’ve never seen anything like it. These huge bees! Dozens of them!”

The local police department has yet to offer an official statement, but sources say the rift is of an entirely unknown origin and was unexpected.

The death toll has risen sharply to at least 30.

Update: 12:17 PM

The Poughkeepsie chief of police has issued a statement encouraging all residents to remain in their homes. They are currently withholding the identities of all casualties until the appropriate steps can be taken to notify families and confirm cause of death for the individuals. The police have not yet commented on the nature of the rift or the bees.

While the number of bees remains uncertain, the initial count of at least 50 bees has risen to 100-150 bees.