how people use music when doing intellectual labour: people use it as a symbol to say ‘keep away from me’

Ever buy a movie on iTunes instead of downloading it for free on The Pirate Bay? Yeah, keep not doing that

the surprisingly broad overlap between prison & museum design

If schools follow dualist specifications, education becomes less in tune with the way students actually consume texts

the Introversion Meme is the newest face on a many-headed hydra of conservative backlash against a changing society

they’re more than capable of fucking with minds. I’m looking forward to more games that fuck with mine

with Glass, the contents of your screen are a mystery to others

the self merely a set of techniques for self-documentation rather than a matter of what it is documented

Mark Zuckerberg reportedly helicoptered in to hand out grilled cheese

it is perfectly legitimate to describe Burning Man as the foundation of a secular religion

Digital dualism acts in concert with sexism by deflecting critical attention away from sexism in action

the cultural conventions that have helped to produce digital dualism and which help it persist

a 3-D printer for printing pizza in outer space

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [].