Now that my father fit into a desktop-size box — my computer screen — the proportions seemed manageable

The chilling disciplinary effect taking place in the digital age affects everyone

street art is “so transitory” and ephemeral that without social media, “a lot of it would fall by the wayside”

The term “cyberutopian” tends to be used only in the context of critique

passionate game fans are willfully blind to the communication gap between the games industry and everyone else

#Standingman is good activism for the same reasons it makes for a good meme

drone fiction denies the presence of human operators; it renders drones autonomous

Uber meets AirBnB for Helicopter Transport

In the nineties, tapping the Web, if not impossible, was certainly a pain

we are open-source-extremists, the feminist virus infecting your thoughts

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [].

My friends who like NSA - National Security Agency