the direct facial and self-valorizing imperatives of Facebook, the endless memetic re-postings of tumblr, fashion blogs, and so on

We’ve become better at choreographing ourselves and showing our best sides to the screen

75 percent of the world’s heads of state have a presence on Twitter

Forget about bowling alone: In Toffler’s future, we’d all be telecommuting together”

A quarter million comments land in HuffPost’s assorted in-boxes every day

On Snapchat, sexual identity isn’t cemented through a series of boxes & menus

using drugged milkshakes to knock out the parents of one of the girls so they could log on to the Internet

I am terrified that everything I believe about photography is over because of the computer & easy manipulation

Is digital labour work that transcends capitalism and/or is it subsumed to capital?

companies like Apple make the ride so pretty that many of us are content to look out the windows and admire the view

On Facebook, women were still expected to expose themselves and yet to remain chaste

Internet dating destroyed my sense of myself as someone I both know and understand and can also put into words

Speaking and writing both survived the print revolution, and print will survive the Internet revolution

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr [].