Dolores R. and Kelly S. alerted us to Ellen Degeneres’ ridiculing of the new Bic product, “Bic for Her” (yes, a real product, if you hadn’t heard). Gentle but straight up, it’s worth four minutes of your time:
Dolores R. and Kelly S. alerted us to Ellen Degeneres’ ridiculing of the new Bic product, “Bic for Her” (yes, a real product, if you hadn’t heard). Gentle but straight up, it’s worth four minutes of your time:
Comments 6
wisewebwoman — October 21, 2012
Ladyrazors. Ladypens. So much easier decision makding for my ladybrain.
Post-Feminist Robot — October 21, 2012
I love the puppy dog.
boomboxjive — October 21, 2012
She doesn't see color. Hmmmm.
I don't see blondes?
fork — October 22, 2012
Far more interesting, IMO, are the amazon reviews. Some really clever stuff there.
And not only the reviews themselves, but the phenomenon of amazon reviews becoming the venue for a tongue-in-cheek groundroots backlash. Is this a thing now? The latest is binder reviews:
Anon — October 27, 2012
Men's razors are more expensive. Apparently they have more precision. Right.
That's why I buy women's razors.