Hello Chris and Doug, As part of my Sociology class our instructor introduced us to the Sociological Images blog. Each week we write a response to one of the blogs. Today I was reading the New York Times and saw this article. I mentioned this study to my instructor, who suggested contacting you to see if you might see consider this for one of your blogs- preferably Sociological Images so I could write about it.
The New York Times article identified the research as social psychology so I hope you might shed some light on some of the possibilities for everyday social implications. If much of how we feel about ourselves is tied to our jobs- does the loss of that job equal our loss of uniform for that job, and is a title something we also put on that might act in the same way as the white lab coat? Thank you for your thoughts on this.
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Comments 1
Anna — April 3, 2012
Hello Chris and Doug, As part of my Sociology class our instructor introduced us to the Sociological Images blog. Each week we write a response to one of the blogs. Today I was reading the New York Times and saw this article. I mentioned this study to my instructor, who suggested contacting you to see if you might see consider this for one of your blogs- preferably Sociological Images so I could write about it.
Enclothed Cognition Hajo Adam, Adam D. Galinsky.
The New York Times article identified the research as social psychology so I hope you might shed some light on some of the possibilities for everyday social implications. If much of how we feel about ourselves is tied to our jobs- does the loss of that job equal our loss of uniform for that job, and is a title something we also put on that might act in the same way as the white lab coat? Thank you for your thoughts on this.