If this week you are celebrating a winter holiday, TSP sends warm wishes as you gather with friends and family. If this is not a holiday time, we wish you peace, rest, and safety. Below, we have one new piece to share and round up some holiday classics. We’ll see you next year!
New and Noteworthy
Feminine life events jeopardize female service members’ efforts to appear strong and masculine and put them in danger of harassment and assault according to research by Stephanie Bonnes written up for the site by Caroline Garland.
From the Archives
What Gifts Can Buy by Isabel Arriagada.
Christmas as social control, featuring Elf on the Shelf by Pseudonymous assistant professor for Soc Images.
Hannukah and Social Privilege by Lisa Wade for Soc Images.
Old Dogs, New Tricks by Sarah Catherine Billups.
From Our Partners
Contexts wishes you a restful new year!