Anyone tracking both popular and academic writing knows that media reports often miss out on the best, most directly relevant research on the story. At TSP, we’ve batted our heads against this wall for years. Yes, Citings and Sitings reports on social scientists in the press and the Reading List brings new research discoveries to light, but we’ve lacked a forum to make the connection more explicitly — to point to good work that should be cited in the news stories of the day.
So, like many of our readers, we find ourselves spitting coffee each morning and shouting, “There’s Research on That!” when the news somehow misses a perfectly on-point expert and study. [This ain’t necessarily the journo’s fault, of course. One of my favorite writers at the Times recently emailed to ask, “Can you send me your article from JournalX? Costs like 80 bucks to get.”] While we can’t take down everyone else’s paywalls (can we, Jon?), we can point readers to first-rate research on the day’s issues. And we’ll do so in a brand new TSP feature titled (what else?), There’s Research on That! From Evan Stewart of our grad board:
In our continuing quest to bring great social science to everyone, TSP is rolling out our latest blog project—There’s Research on That!, where we offer up great research from across our fields that speaks to the big events of the day. For journalists, TROT is a great place to find an interviewee or a new perspective on reporting. For general readers, TROT is a place to discuss current events and find some great book recommendations that are sure to impress at the next cocktail party. For sociologists, TROT posts can spark conversations about where our research connects with the real world. Of course, we welcome continued suggestions for pieces in the comments and on Twitter (hashtag #TROT, of course)!
We’re hoping to make this a quick-hitting and timely feature, so we’ll keep the posts short and spread the word on social media. We hope There’s Research on That informs, inspires, and provokes you — and that you’ll cite your own favorite research in the comments section.
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Friday Roundup: September 27, 2013 » The Editors' Desk — September 27, 2013
[...] “There’s Research on That!” by Chris Uggen, unveiled the newest TSP initiative (drum roll, please), There’s Research on That! Navigating the world of research is hard, and that’s assuming reporters have the funds to get past pay walls. There’s Research on That! hopes to overcome some of these issues by providing short summaries of social scientific studies that shed light on current events. [...]