In my google reader feed sit two blog posts back to back. One called The New War on Science by Daniel Honan calls “climate change deniers” to task for ignoring what he sees as a near-unanimous consensus on the reality of man-made global warming.

Right next to that post is one called Climate Showing Some Resistance to CO2, which notes that:

Oregon State researchers estimate that “the most likely figure for climate sensitivity is 2.3°C, which is more than half a degree lower than the consensus figure, with a 66% probability that it lies between 1.7° and 2.6°C.” The data was taken from ice cores, fossils and marine sediments that data back to the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago.

Given the fact that we can’t know with 100 percent certainty that global warming will destroy the planet, how should the non scientist process this information to make policy judgments?