White trash. For many, the name evokes images of trailer parks, meth labs, beat-up Camaros on cinder blocks, and poor rural folks with too many kids and not enough government cheese. It’s a put-down, the name given to those whites who don’t make it, either because they’re too lazy or too stupid. Or maybe it’s because something’s wrong with their inbred genes. Whatever the reason, it’s their own damn fault they live like that.
On the other hand, there are plenty of people now willing to wear “white trash” as a badge of honor. Much as African American youth turned the despised word nigger into an expression of pride and solidarity (usually as the abbreviated nigga) or the way that LGBT activists have reclaimed queer, some white people now identify as “white trash” to signal rebelliousness and cultural difference—their refusal of a bland, mainstream white society that oppresses and stifles.

And there is a third popular use of the term: to denigrate and punish the rich and famous when they act badly. Despite her millions, Paris Hilton can be called out for a “trashy” lifestyle, and George Clooney can tell us, in his self-mocking kind of way, that beneath a dapper exterior, he’s really just white trash. And, as comedian and actor Tom Arnold said of his marriage to comedian, actress, and sometime political aspirant Roseanne Barr, “We’re America’s worst nightmare—white trash with money!”
So, is “white trash,” as campy director John Waters once said, “the last racist thing you can say and get away with”? Or has it become a symbol of something like ethnic pride? Or is it just a comical phrase used to condemn, excuse, or celebrate bad behavior, like too much drinking, cussing, fighting, and general screwing around?
And then there’s the bigger question: Why should we care, anyway? What makes white trash talk anything more than pop culture trivia? To answer these questions it helps to look to the past, to see when and how the term arose, and to think about the uses to which it has been put, by whom, and why. Surprisingly, the answers have a lot to do with our changing ideas about sex, class, and gender.
What Did You Call Me?
Whether they say “white trash” or not, most Americans are unaware of its long and ugly history. Pressed to venture a guess, you’d probably say that the term arose in the Deep South, sometime in the middle of last century, as a term that whites coined to demean other whites less fortunate than themselves. Try again.
The term white trash dates back not to the 1950s but to the 1820s. It arises not in Mississippi or Alabama, but in and around Baltimore, Maryland. The best guess is that it was invented not by whites, but by African Americans (both free and enslaved) as a term of abuse—to disparage local poor whites. Some would have been newly arrived Irish immigrants, others semi-skilled workers drawn to jobs in the post-Revolution building boom. Still other trashy types may have been white servants, waged or indentured, working in the homes and estates of area elites. As it does today, the term registered contempt and disgust, and it suggests sharp hostilities between social groups essentially competing for the same resources—the same jobs, the same opportunities, and even the same marriage partners.

But if white trash originated in African American slang, it was middle-class and elite whites who found the term most compelling and useful—and ultimately, this is the crowd that made it part of popular American speech.
Over the next 40 years, the phrase began to appear more and more frequently in the printed materials of more privileged white readers. In 1854 Harriet Beecher Stowe, in her bestselling Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, devoted an entire chapter to “Poor White Trash,” explaining that the slave system produced “not only heathenish, degraded, miserable slaves, but it produces a class of white people who are, by universal admission, more heathenish, degraded, and miserable.” The degradation was due, Stowe argued, to the way plantation slavery locked up productive soil in the hands of a few large planters, leaving ordinary white people to struggle for subsistence. But there were other factors as well: “Without schools or churches, these miserable families grow up heathen on a Christian soil, in idleness, vice, dirt, and discomfort of all sorts. They are the pest of the neighborhood, the scoff and contempt or pity even of the slaves. The expressive phrase, so common in the mouths of the negroes, of ’poor white trash,’ says all for this luckless race of beings that can be said.”
Southern secessionists and proslavery apologists countered that it wasn’t the lack of access to good farmland, compulsory education, or religious influence that made poor white trash so worthy of contempt. In their view, the depravity of white trash sprung from the “tainted blood” that ran through their veins. As one educated southerner averred on the eve of the Civil War, “every where, North and South, in Maine or Texas, in Virginia or New-York, they are one and the same; and have undoubtedly had one and the same origin, namely, the poor-houses and prison-cells of Great Britain. Hence we again affirm… that there is a great deal more in blood than people in the United States are generally inclined to believe.” Poor white depravity wasn’t attributable to any economic or social system—it was inherited, a pre-Revolutionary legacy.
Taking Out the Trash
By the 1890s, America’s burgeoning eugenics movement got hold of this idea and never let go. Most Americans are well aware of the horrors of Nazi eugenics—the early- and mid-nineteenth century idea that through proper breeding techniques and controlling the fertility of the “unfit,” one could produce a superior race. But few care to remember that Nazi eugenicists were taking their cues from American predecessors, who, beginning in the early decades of the twentieth century, had successfully lobbied for laws permitting states to involuntarily sterilize people considered unsuited for sexual reproduction.
White trash was a threat, in other words, because these people were both unfit for reproduction and spectacular at it.
Field researchers often produced evidence they claimed demonstrated the deplorable effects of “defective germ plasm” (what we would today consider genetic material) passed from one generation to the next, sometimes through the immorality of interracial sex, the sexual predations of fathers on their own daughters, or reproduction between close cousins. The last two categories of illicit sexual behavior, grouped under the term consanguinity, were put forth again and again, in study after study, as evidence of the need to control the fertility of poor whites, whose incestuous, cacogenic (rather than eugenic) influence, combined with their promiscuity and fecundity, threatened to overwhelm and pollute the purer white racial stock. It was a classic example of moral panic: Eugenicists whipped up widespread anxieties about sex, class, gender, and race to mobilize politicians and civic leaders.
By 1921, American eugenicists had so firmly implanted fears of racial pollution that 15 states had passed laws permitting involuntary sterilization. Between 1907 and 1927, over 8,000 such operations were performed. Many were carried out on “feebleminded” men and women—those we would today regard as severely developmentally disabled. But an untold number were carried out on men and women whose only apparent fault was belonging to the class popularly labeled white trash.

Such was the charge leveled in the most infamous court trial involving eugenics-based involuntary sterilization in the United States, the 1927 Supreme Court case Buck v. Bell. In the case, Buck protested her involuntary 1924 commitment to the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded. She had given birth out of wedlock and been sent away. The director of the colony, judging both Buck and her newborn feeble-minded, and believing that Buck was herself the daughter of a feeble-minded woman, wished to sterilize her immediately. Buck’s presumed sexual promiscuity, the director argued, might lead to a line of children who would become burdens of the state. H.H. Laughlin, the nation’s leading advocate for eugenical legislation, took up the case and, without ever meeting Buck, testified that, in his expert opinion, she was “part of the shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of anti-social whites of the South.” In May 1927, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the eugenicists. Buck was soon sterilized. The shameful decision opened the door to forced sterilization across the nation. An estimated 60,000 Americans, most of them poor and indigent women, have since been sterilized without their consent and, in some cases, without their knowledge.
Recycling the Past?
We now know more of the facts in this historic case: Buck and her daughter were probably not feebleminded, even by the standard measures of her day. She had become pregnant not because of any sexual immorality but because her adoptive father had raped her. Her institutionalization was a way to hide his crime. Most involuntary sterilizations ended in the mid-1950s, although they continued into the 1980s. In 2002, 75 years after the Supreme Court’s decision, the state of Virginia offered a formal apology to Buck’s family and to all other families whose relatives had been forcibly sterilized. Since then, four other states have followed suit, with signs that North Carolina will be the next. California—where the largest number of eugenical sterilizations (over 20,000) occurred—formally apologized in 2003. While many states repealed or overturned involuntary sterilization laws, other states still fail to acknowledge this troubled past.
The long and disturbing history behind the term white trash rings with meaning today. We still see stigmatizing images of oversexed trailer trash, hear tasteless jokes about incest, and find a widely shared belief that all poor whites are dumber than “the rest of us.” The stigma of white trash remains an active part of our fevered cultural imagination, even as some try to reclaim the phrase as a badge of rebellious honor. But few who use the term today—either proudly or as a shaming slur—seem to know about its deep historical entanglements with the politics of sex, race, and class.
Recommended Readings
Troy Duster. 1990. Backdoor to Eugenics. New York: Routledge. Can today’s genetic sciences avoid the errors and pitfalls of eugenics past? Duster asks the tough questions.
Edward J. Larson. 1995. Sex, Race, and Science: Eugenics in the Deep South. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. A Pulitzer-prize winning historian tells the tale of how eugenics was implemented—and resisted—in the American South.
John Hartigan, Jr. 2005. Odd Tribes: Towards A Cultural Analysis of White People. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Hartigan is the most astute observer of white people writing today, and these essays on “white trash” are must-reads for any student of whiteness.
Nicole Hahn Rafter. 1988. White Trash: The Eugenic Family Studies, 1877-1919. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press. A finely edited anthology that brings together a large sampling of the original eugenic field studies (many unintentionally hilarious).
Philip Reilly. 1991. The Surgical Solution: A History of Involuntary Sterilization in the United States. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Documents the scope and breadth of compulsory sterilization in the US.
Matt Wray and Annalee Newitz, eds. 1997. White Trash: Race and Class in America. New York: Routledge. A collection of 13 essays about being poor and white in America. Includes personal memoirs, literary reflections, historical narratives, and observations from social scientists.
Correction: This article has been corrected to properly attribute the quote, “We’re America’s worst nightmare—white trash with money!” to Tom Arnold, rather than to his then-wife Roseanne Barr.
Comments 27
Allie — June 24, 2013
Thanks for the article. I've been called white trash more times than I can recall and this is the first time I've ever considered the origin of the phrase.
Kyle Green — July 12, 2013
Great article. I was unaware of the link between the term and eugenics projects.
AR Kirwin — September 7, 2013
Great article! I appreciate the research you did for this article and the list of resources you have gave as well. I didn't realize the connection between the term "white trash" and the eugenics movement. I just thought the term was denigrating to poor whites-- a classist term of abuse by those who felt superior to them. Now I know that the history of the term is much worse. Thank you for sharing what you found out! :)A
Toni — September 11, 2013
Thanks for writing this. I don't think I've ever been called white trash but that's because I'm adept at class-passing.
White Trash? Badge of honor or label for hate? | eRACE your isms — November 11, 2013
[…] for the masses, and lively topics for entertainment and consumer writers, as well as other bloggers, I wonder if all this white noise is purely about smart economics. Find a captive audience, […]
Letta Page — November 12, 2013
Still not over Tom Arnold tweeting about this article -- and setting me straight on the quote attribution. Great piece, Matt!
Friday Roundup: Awards Edition! » The Editors' Desk — December 20, 2013
[…] “White Trash: The Social Origins of a Stigmatype,” by Matt Wray. […]
John — June 4, 2014
I as a black man was married to a "white trash" woman. I know all too well about racial history of this country. And ubderstand the parallels that author is speaking of. However I am an educated black man and she was an un3ducated southern white female. It didn't work nor would it ever have worked. Her family; mosty didn't finish middle school let a lone high school. Mother finished only up to the 7th grade, father up to the end of middle school. She went to a Juco but nothing more than that. She claimed; duringour marriage to hate white men, esp those who were blue collar or farmers. I find it strange that now that we are divorced that her personality has changed. She's now a good ol' girl. Wears camo, has a dodge truck, only listens to country music, and now goes after the type of men she claimed to hate. Is this because we we're f4om two different worlds why it didn't work? Has she finally at the age of 37 figured it out as to who and what she really is and no longer is trying to be someone she isn't to rise above her station? I find it strange that she lives in a trailer; which isn't in the best shape, but dislikes her neighbors for being "white trash". Is that self hate?
Misty — June 8, 2014
Yes, that IS self-hate and it's a sad thing that she really doesn't know quite who she is and sad that she didn't sseek further education to better herself. Honestly, she may have seen you as "lesser" than herself at one point, but it wasn't true and I know you know it! It was her illusion; never yours, and certainly never the truth to anyone else with a decent education! I commend you, sir.
White Trash | Catcher In The Lie — June 16, 2014
[…] to become fashionable if you have the temerity to “put it out there.” This article (White Trash: The Social Origins of a Stigmatype) is an excellent analysis of the term White Trash and underscores and elaborates on much of what […]
spikepine — July 14, 2014
Anyone who agrees to people being called trash really need a wake up call. Simply because a person acts a certain way or does not have a certain amount of money does not make them trash. God does not make trash, and only satan would make people feel it's fine to call others trash.
Crackers, Chavs and White Trash | plasticdollheads — July 22, 2014
[…] BBC (2005) http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/northeast/series7/chavas.shtml Fekete (2001) The Emergence of Xeno-Racism Available at:http://www.irr.org.uk/news/the-emergence-of-xeno-racism/ Frankenberg, R (1993) White Women, Race Matters The Social Construction of Whiteness London: Routledge Goldberg, T (2009) The Threat of Race Reflections on Racial Neoliberalism, Oxford: Blackwell Hardt, M & Negri, A (2000) Empire, London: Harvard University Press Hartigan, J (2005) Odd Tribes Toward A Cultural Analysis Of White People, London: Duke Hartigan, J (1997) ‘Unpopular Culture: The Case Of White Trash’, Cultural Studies, Vol. 11, 2, pp.316-343, London: Routledge Hayward, K & Yar, M (2006) ‘The ‘chav’ phenomenon: Consumption, media and the construction of a new underclass’, Crime Media Culture, 2006, pp. 9-28 Hill, M (2004) After Whiteness Unmaking An American Majority, London: NYU Press Kundnani, (2001) ‘In a foreign land: the new popular racism’, Race & Class, Vol 42 (2), pp.41-60 Omi, M & Winant, H (1994) Racial Formation in the United States From the 1960s to the 1990s, London: Routledge Sivanandan, A (2006) ‘Race, terror and civil society’, Race & Class, 47, pp.1-7 Tyrer,D & Sayyid, S (2010) ‘Governing ghosts: Race, incorporeality and difference in post-political times, Current Sociology, 60, 2, pp: 1-14 Wray, M (2006) Not Quite White White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness, London: Duke University Press Wray, M & Newitz, A (eds) (1997) White Trash Race and Class in America, London: Routledge Wray, M & Newitz, A http://www4.ncsu.edu/~mseth2/com417s12/readings/NewitzWrayWhiteTrash.PDF Wray, M (2013) ‘White Trash The Social Origins of a Stigmatype’ Available at: http://thesocietypages.org/specials/white-trash/ […]
Whitewashing Genealogical Blackmail | Let There Be Right — August 28, 2014
[…] I’m supposed to believe “white” people are immune to hardship because of the color of their skin. Yet I can use a label specifically for poor white people—“white trash”. […]
Debbie Dowling — October 6, 2014
The term white trash implies that all other races are completely trash and only this segment of the Caucasian population possesses negative qualities. The article was interesting and enlightening, I see now how far back the phrase goes. All the same, in my opinion i5 inherently stigmatizes all "non-whites," however that group is defined. Think about it.
Letta Page — October 28, 2014
I was just directed to this link at NPR's Code-Switch: "Hicksploitation and Other White Stereotypes on TV" http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2013/05/10/178791792/on-hicksploitation-and-other-white-stereotypes-seen-on-tv
Another great, related piece is "Southern Culture on the Skids," by Jason Eastman, which goes against Charles Murray: thesocietypages.org/specials/scots
D — May 26, 2015
Nowadays it's much more sophisticated. Train the mongrels to watch entire media networks overflowing with logical fallacies and emotional appeal and confirmation bias so that the idiots (white trash) do themselves in by shopping at national chain grocery stores and eating dead food out of boxes and cans from the center aisles while ingesting MONSANTO pesticide-tainted and GMO fruits and vegetables and get them to vote against their own best interests. Why kill them off when you can merely suck the cash right out of them -- by hook or by crook! And when all else fails, get them to send in all their money for "end times" Christian bullshit. The "right" doesn't give a shit about white trash, it banks on those suckers. BWAHAHAHA!!!
GSD — May 26, 2015
Nowadays it's much more sophisticated. Train the mongrels to watch entire media networks overflowing with logical fallacies and emotional appeal and confirmation bias so that the idiots (white trash) do themselves in by shopping at national chain grocery stores and eating dead food out of boxes and cans from the center aisles while ingesting MONSANTO pesticide-tainted and GMO fruits and vegetables and get them to vote against their own best interests. Why kill them off when you can merely suck the cash right out of them -- by hook or by crook! And when all else fails, get them to send in all their money for "end times" Christian bullshit. The "right" doesn't give a shit about white trash, it banks on those suckers. BWAHAHAHA!!!
Beckett — November 14, 2015
It occurs to me that the term includes the word "white" to specify, not black, brown, yellow or red person. Given this fact, doesn't the term presuppose the identity of other colors as inferior? Hence, the need to specify "white" trash? Why not simply trash? The reason for the put down is not the person's color, it is his or her character - so why is color included? It is the social construct of "race" at play in the specificity of "white". That social construct is born from white supremacy and racist ideology which presupposes white as good, normal, or best. It is the hierarchy created by this fallacy which informs the meaning of "white trash" making the term racist and offensive to people of color. While the term may be used by prejudiced people of color, it is not "racist against whites", because it reaffirms the paradigm of white supremacy with its use. (I'm white, if it matters.)
Rick — November 28, 2015
I appreciate your insightful research. Thanks for putting it online. I was right with you until you painted Charles Murray as a Eugenicist. Could you explain your reasoning? I'd welcome a response. All due respect, but this analysis seems outlandish to me. In Coming Apart, Murray attributes the differences between Belmont and Fishtown not to genetic differences between classes of whites, but to changing social environments and values. This is evidenced in his solution - a proactive return to the original American foundations - family, vocation, community, and faith.
anvil skilling — February 8, 2016
Eugenics hasn't went the way of the Do Do. Evolution, population control, positive eugenics and economic or social warfare are alive and well. There are few jobs in rural areas, urban areas are far from the social utopias Madison avenue depicts them as being. Poor whites, Hispanics and blacks are still deemed 'unfit'. The two opposing political ideologies both share a contempt and disdain for white trash. Stupid, lazy and irresponsible or uneducated are joint adjectives used by both.
I propose to you that Nazi fascism and Marxist socialism were/are nothing more than scientific dictatorships drawn to their natural conclusions. The white collar criminal, technocrat, executive or beaureacrat all see white trash as both prey and resistance. They will creatively find new and novel ways to again destroy, disenfranchise and defraud 'white trash'. Malthusian religion, Darwinian economics or enemies of the state, it's about a pompous, pscopathic feudalism more than quote, engineering a better society. My own family has several Ivy leaque graduates who don't like me. Although I've never asked them for anything, I don't look like trash, think like trash or reside like trash in their eyes I am.
A country of Darwinian evolutionists will enivitably destroy themselves and many others. A peer into 20th century history proves it. A nation of narcissistic, consumeristic, hedonistic and material driven people proclaims it with hubris each day. I, white trash can merely watch my own destruction at the hands of retreads repeating history.
Michael — March 1, 2016
When the slaves were freed the group that persecuted them the most directly were lower class whites. Not only were the slaves free to receive an education they were also a threat to the share ripping industry that most poor, uneducated southern whites were a part of. If the slaves received an education they would certainly leave these lower class whites at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. If they didn't rise above them they would likely cut better share cropping deals with the rich land owners. Wealthy whites, having lost a source of free labour saw a chance to exploit the fears of the poor whites. This why so many of the white supremist groups had a base of lower class whites but there leadership was usually upper class whites. By manipulating the fears of the lower class whites they were able to keep the freed slaves oppressed thus a cheap source of labour. This enforced blacks referring to those who persecuted them as "pop white trash". These parrallels are with us in contemporary politics where upper class whites exploit the fears of lower class whites to get their votes where they can maintain and carry out labour policies such as a low minimum wage, etc. maintaining a cheap labour force. These lower class whites, who have no problem expressing their racism, disdain for free thinking have helped to revive the term "white trash" into the American conversation.
Jethro Lunch 24 — March 8, 2016
White trash could not have practiced prejudice and racism against African Americans without the full consent and approval of the upper middlle class white elites. Elites who engineer warfare of any and every type. They write novels like' To kill a mockingbird' and practice progressive diversity, only lower class whites engage in racism. The northeast Establishment, both democrat and Republican were and are racist, eugenists, pompous, arrogant and self righteous. They pay other people to do it for them and then use the media that they own to shift the blame onto rural people of the Midwest, the south and the mountain west. Margaret Sanger was a prime example. Champion of women's Rights ? No, champion of populations she saw as quote, 'unfit' not being able to pro create. In her own words, this included blacks, working class whites, epileptics, imbeciles and the 'uneducated'. Blue blood conservatives and academic liberals both believe that their blood lines and intellect are superior to all upon the planet. Prince Andrew, the British version of what Ivy leaguers wish they could be, had a Freudian slip just a few years back. He proclaimed that he wanted to be reincarnated as virus that would decimate half the human population. You see the world is their oyster but not ours. No one in the press pressed him about it. Elitism racist remarks are forgiven and forgotten and ignored daily.
The good news for us is that blacks and whites are getting privy to this parlor trick of engineered blame for the institutions that they create and sustain. Evil recognition is rising, good people of all races and religions are coming together and your terrified of it.
allen — August 17, 2016
In reference to Buck vs Bell, Oliver Wendell Holmes commented that "three generations of imbeciles is enough." Wise words then, wise words now. It disgusts me to see able-bodied white men standing on street corners begging. Get a job!! Get rid of your cigarettes!! Whatsamatta - whitey keeping you down??
The Truth Is — March 7, 2017
This topic is very sad altogether