Emily sent us this classic Goodyear tire ad. The ad starts out talking about mileage and showing men, but then moves to a segment where a woman is driving and there’s scary music and we’re to presume that she’s maybe being chased or is in danger–and you want to be sure your wife has good tires so she can get away.

NEW! This ad for the VW Bug also plays on the idea that women are terrible drivers:



Women are soft and gentle, but they hit things.

If your wife hits something in a Volkswagen, it doesn’t hurt you very much.

She can jab the hood. Graze the door. Or bump off the bumper.

It may make you furious, but it won’t make you poor.

So when your wife goes window-shopping in a Volkswagen, don’t worry.

You can conveniently replace anything she uses to stop the car.

Even the brakes.