A quick note about why it’s been so quiet over here this past week: We’ve been under construction…and I’ve been, um, on bedrest with early contractions but so far doing ok.  Please bear with us!  A host of new columns and new bloggers are coming SOON.  Here’s a sneak peak at just some of the brand new monthly columns coming down the pike:

    Gender Specs (Leslie Heywood, Editor): the latest on gender analysis in evolutionary psychology and other sciences

    Bedside Manners (Adina Nack, Editor): applying the sociological imagination to medical topics, with a special focus on sexual and reproductive health

    Body Language (Alison Piepmeier, Editor): Because control of our bodies is central to feminism. (“It is very little to me to have the right to vote, to own property, etc., if I may not keep my body, and its uses, in my absolute right.” –Lucy Stone, 1855)

    Global Mama (Heather Hewett, Editor: myths and realities of motherhood and family life in a globalized world

    Mama w/Pen (Deborah Siegel, Editor): reflections on emergent motherhood, feminist and otherwise

Stay tuned!!