
Happy Halloween weekend all! Before you put on your costumes, turn on your favorite scary movies, and embark on a self-induced candy coma, check out the treats we have for you over at TSP this week.

There’s Research on That!:

#ShoutYourAbortion Shouts Back at Stigma,” by Amber Powell and Jacqui Frost. Sociological research details why women have generally felt compelled to stay silent about having abortions and the potential benefits of speaking up.

Fantasy Sports and the Culture of Fandom,” by Evan Stewart and Alex Snidarich. Thinking of trying your luck on a fantasy sports website? Find out what they offer beyond the promise of money.


The Context of Cult Violence,” by Miray PhilipsBernadette Barton talks to Broadly Vice about the recent violence in an upstate New York church and how isolated religious groups get away with and justify abuse.

The Missing Women of Wikipedia,” by Eamon Whalen. Julia Adams talks to The Atlantic about the gender imbalance of Wikipedia’s editors.


Check out “The Personal (Financial) is Political” by Evan Stewart to put Wednesday’s Republican debates in context.

From Our Partners:


Regulating Unpredictable Schedules to Cut Down the Chaos.” Naomi Gerstel and Dan Clawson suggest much needed changes to shift some of the burden of unpredictable schedules off of employees and onto employers.

Scholars Strategy Network:

Can Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Activists Recognize the Socioeconomic Realities of Abortion?” by Hannah Phillips. Why the two sides of the abortion debate need to come together and agree to be “pro-women.”

Council on Contemporary Families:

Promoting Marriage among Single Mothers: An Ineffective Weapon in the War on Poverty,” by Kristi Williams. What is effective? Supportive social and economic family policies.

And a Few From the Community Pages:

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