
digital poetics has reignited artistic emphases on processorial, fragmented conceptualizations of literature

TED talks just to keep from looking at the cops

Real life isn’t lived in just the “digital” or “physical” realm. It’s actually an interplay between both realms

If we want to protect privacy, we should be more clear about why it is important

a trend emerged where visual anonymity led to less disclosiveness

Is documentary vision a new way of dreaming? Does it enmesh the “virtual” with the “physical”?

Novels about robots are still novels. Get over itmore...

Catfish is Jerry Springer for the social media age

Let’s face it: panic about ‘people’ not pairing off is really panic about women not pairing off

the idea that technology comes from us, people, is something we are reluctant to accept

Stop Calling It ‘Digital Humanities’

temporary photography is doing something very interesting with time

I don’t oppose the MOOC any more than I oppose online classes, or three-hundred-person-lectures, or Wikipedia

the way that the Harlem Shake meme seems perfectly designed for the workplace

Everybody in the industry wants to see Spotify succeed

Who hates free speech? The powerful and the powerlessmore...

Facebook has certainly taken notice of the desire for impermanence

It’s interesting that we now create things specifically to forget

networks can be far more tyrannical, opaque, and anti-democratic than hierarchies

Snapchat subverts the affordances of networked publics…the technology now—not the recipient—is the trusted object

using the magic word “MOOC,” the privatization disappears in a puff of euphemism. We are instead “expanding access”

Just as CafePress can sell you a customized T-Shirt, why shouldn’t OKCupid aspire to sell you a customized partner?

use online connectivity not to try to define ourselves perfectly but to undo ourselves over and over

social media seem to intersect interpersonal sociality and corporate monetization

they all took snapshots and movies of each other out of fear of experiencing the meaninglessness of their existence

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr []. more...

the Internet is laughing. And Applebee’s is losing a lot of customers

Let me break it down, Your Holiness: sentiment-wise, your entrance on Twitter has been saluted by a roaring “meh”

People need to worry less about the future of print and worry more about the future of sentences

cogito ergo sum is usurped by something with far more ominous implications: “I am documented, therefore I am.”

Facebook is the perfect “safe space” cos it has white walls and feels like home and you don’t own shit

people click Like merely because humans have an irresistible desire to be counted

when DRM makes products less valuable, it also makes them less real

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr []. more...

for those of us whose bodies seem like a burden or an ontological prison, the Internet functions as a utopia of sorts

Vine’s six seconds feels like an eternity

These messages are intended specifically to shame and frighten women out of engaging online

I hear ‘clickclickclickclickclick’ all over the place…they are photographing me, and now I’m pissed. I felt like a zoo animal

Facebook is not *doing* anything to society

we don’t like seeing Apple bloggers imply Android’s success doesn’t count because what—poor people don’t count?

Why do we photograph the aftermath of misadventure?

Plato was right. The efficient and durable externalization of memory makes us personally indifferent to remembrancemore...

JSTOR is a rent extraction mechanism that perpetuates fundamental inequalities

a ceremonial flyover of three combat drones

what is Elsevier going to do with Mendeley that warrants uninstalling it from you computer?

Nineteenth century viral culture is quite like today’s Internet culture

Seeing this as only a story about digital technologies & their risks is to overlook how cultural communication is

That was before Apple washed Siri’s mouth out with soap and curbed many of its talents

23 women have joined a class-action lawsuit against the “revenge porn” website

there is something disturbingly misogynistic about online bullyingmore...

now that we have a simple tool—and grammar—for looping a half second of video

The Internet makes this sort of writer-presence easier, more ubiquitous

“What’s the point of this app? To forge a connection, or to gamify the dating process

I’d like to type in “dentists liked by people who don’t like horror movies””

The defining feature of a “real” arcade, however, is that there aren’t really any left

digital technologies enable abundant production, watering-down the meaning of an object and/or interactionmore...

The morbid fascination with the Myspace saga is not unlike our persistent national obsession with Lindsay Lohan

I think Facebook and Twitter should be prohibited

isn’t it time to admit that MOOC providers don’t primarily care about “how learning works?”

talking about MOOCs in productive ways is getting harder for everyone

your book is somehow better for having successfully negotiated the transition from digital to physical

Every minute a new impossible thing is uploaded to the internet

Did it occur to any of these terrified readers that perhaps this latest technological invasion wasn’t aimed at them?

Nathan is on Twitter [@nathanjurgenson] and Tumblr []. more...

the direct facial and self-valorizing imperatives of Facebook, the endless memetic re-postings of tumblr, fashion blogs, and so on

We’ve become better at choreographing ourselves and showing our best sides to the screen

75 percent of the world’s heads of state have a presence on Twitter

Forget about bowling alone: In Toffler’s future, we’d all be telecommuting together”

A quarter million comments land in HuffPost’s assorted in-boxes every day

On Snapchat, sexual identity isn’t cemented through a series of boxes & menus

using drugged milkshakes to knock out the parents of one of the girls so they could log on to the Internetmore...

as Google begins to mediate interactions w/ the built environment, the scope for “algorithmic nudging” also expands

I’ve created a technique for converting digital audio files into 3D printable 33rpm records

IBM predicts that computers will soon have a sense of smell

Yes, Randi Zuckerberg, speak to us about human decency

the needed reforms, executives at Apple and Foxconn hope and believe, are falling into place

I think privacy controls prompt the comforting illusion that privacy isn’t a social relation but is instead something individuals can decree

Nathan is on Twitter: @nathanjurgenson more...