Just some of my favorite quotes from what I read this past week on tech&society:

If your kid comes out of the bedroom and says he just shut down the government, he should have an outfit for that

As people become brands, we expect not friendship from them but customer service

I’m left wondering why we’re typing so breathlessly, like we’re all skydiving into prom

Are 3D printers ontological white holes that produce reality from their printer heads?

My mental map was no match for the crisp precision of the iPhone’s…being in that place meant something different

TED is an insatiable kingpin of international meme laundering

The horrendous ramifications for privacy are obvious…yet they have not deterred anyone from using social media

drones are the most anthropomorphized of killing machines…so easily endowed with human subjectivity

the Amish are paradigmatically modern in that they have made the need to think about technology a defining feature of their culture